For the Ghanaian Sign Language Dictionary, follow this link:
For the Survival Ghanaian Sign Language Dictionary, follow this link: 20) Both dictionaries are now complete and we are now seeking permission to use the Peace Corps Logo as part of it and other supporters for the publication and distribution.

Another Deaf Art Volunteer and myself started work on a Ghanaian sign language dictionary a few months ago. The process entailed shooting over 1,500 signs, editing them into their final forms, and learning how to operate a few programs to get the work done.
The aim of the project is to distribute the dictionaries to each School for the Deaf in Ghana and even in other educational establishments.
From the development of the first dictionary, I have found inspiration to create a "village" edition. Hopefully, each student will receive a copy and be able to take it home to their families, in which they will have a tool to teach their family how to communicate using simple signs. I did an assessment with the students at my school to generate a list of words they wanted to use with their families at home and used that list to compile the book.
Both dictionaries are rapidly approaching completion and PDF files will be available upon completion! The next step is to find funding to produce the books but so far, we have a lot of support from the US Embassy in Ghana and Our Talking Hands, which is an organization formed by a former Deaf Art Volunteer.
Hi, I am wondering if there is a way we can access the sign language dictionary in an online/.pdf format. i have seen it is now publihed online in hardcopy but getting books delivered into ghana is very difficult for those of us without diplomatic or outside connections - please do you have any ideas. thanks
Having the same problem