Thursday, September 12, 2013

The “Start” of School

 It’s finally school season, which means I can finally start doing what I came here to do.  But just because school has started doesn’t mean I am teaching as of yet…  It takes several weeks for all of the students to trickle in and the ones that are here from the beginning spend a couple of weeks weeding and fixing up the place. 

In the meantime, I have been making a few trips out to the Tengzug Hills to do come climbing and sight seeing.  There are random piles of huge boulders stacked everywhere with shrines nestled in some places.  The views from the top of the formations are breathtaking! 

I have also been chipping away at setting up my classroom.  I don’t really have anything to do until school really starts so I guess I will just be cleaning and sorting more and maybe (re)painting [over] some of the murals.  I am also glad to finally have students to talk with and practice my sign language.  It’s gotten a little rusty over the past few weeks. 
My storage room and future studio

The classroom

I have introduced the students to my kite.  They make excellent targets!  Does that make me a bad Volunteer?  But really, they really enjoy it when I chase them around with it.  Their laughter and excitement for things like that are awesome to experience. 

So now it’s just a waiting game until I get to teach.  I still have no idea what classes I will have, which is a little unnerving, but that is just the way it is here.  Nevertheless, I am extremely excited to have my own classroom and get to teach whatever (as long as I can say it in sign language).   

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